Data-driven decisions in focus when Region Uppsala chooses Flowmapper

In a time when public transport is facing constant challenges, Region Uppsala has taken a big step forward by introducing Flowmapper to its arsenal of accessibility tools. With a unique combination of quality-assured data, AI and in-depth data analysis, Flowmapper provides invaluable insight into public transport flows. Region Uppsala will be able to perform precise analysis down to the 25-meter level, providing insights into every potential bottleneck and area with low accessibility. Behind every data point and algorithm is a story of improvement, efficiency and a constant quest for a smoother journey for all.

Over the next six years, Region Uppsala will work long-term and strategically with Flowmapper to take a big step towards a more sustainable and accessible future for the region's public transport with a solid foundation of data-driven insights and better decision-making to guide the way forward.

This collaboration marks the beginning of a new era where data-driven decisions will shape the future of public transport in Uppsala, with the goal of making it more attractive and efficient for everyone.

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Timo Palokangas, traffic engineer,Region Uppsala

“With Flowmapper, we can find the places and routes in the county where the bus is traveling slower than it should - and do something about it! When we work with the municipality to implement measures, such as bus lanes, signal prioritization, and traffic regulation, we can measure the effects and weigh them against the costs of the intervention. If buses get through instead of getting stuck in traffic, we get more public transport for our money, plain and simple!"

Optimized timetables, AI shaping tomorrow's travel

One of the most exciting aspects of our collaboration with Region Uppsala is the implementation of Flowmapper Timetable AI. This module, developed with advanced artificial intelligence, allows us to redefine how public transport timetables are created and optimized. Not only does it reduce the risk of human error and eliminate unnecessary waiting time for passengers, but it also helps to improve the overall punctuality of our public transport system. With Flowmapper Timetable AI, we look forward to taking timetables to the next level of accuracy and efficiency.

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Eva-Marie Wenehed, product owner for Flowmapper and traffic planner at Tyréns

“We are delighted that Region Uppsala has chosen Flowmapper to improve its public transport. Our tool is based on Sweden's largest public transport database with over 50 billion GPS data points from all of Sweden's public transport. This collaboration is proof of our vision to create a data-driven public transport where informed decisions are made based on facts. We at Tyréns look forward to working with Region Uppsala and making a difference for travelers, the environment and creating a more sustainable society”

Furthermore, our ability to use Flowmapper to monitor and evaluate the impact of different measures with actual data is an important milestone. This ensures that investments are made where they really make a difference and contribute to a more cost-effective use of taxpayers' money. Through this collaboration, we are taking a big step towards a more sustainable and accessible future for public transport in Uppsala, with a solid foundation of data-driven insights to guide us forward.